Well not yet, but that was too good of a title for me to pass up! We leave for the jungle this morning and won't return until Saturday (we're spending Friday night in Rajumundry--not in the jungle--a bigger city on the way back from here where we will visit another children's home).
As Daryl indicated, we had a great day in the village yesterday. As you can see, we had a warm greeting from the brethren there and great hospitality (including the killing of several precious chickens on our behalf). I preached on the Story of the Bible--an overview that showed that everything from creation through the end of the New Testament was all part of God's redemptive scheme for mankind--all pointing to Jesus--because God's loves his creation and wants us all to be his children.
We also had a good time going shopping last night in Kakinada with Mrs. Gootam and Sudeepa. We bought several neat souvenirs (including some cool things for EMILY and ANNA KAY--but I'm not telling!). Was that cruel? Heh, heh, heh.
We also got to try Indian pizza last night (after we tried Indian chocolate and all just before we went home for dinner). It was GOOD! It was spicy chicken and red bell peppers on a thick phyllo crust. Nothing like our pizza, but Daryl and I both broke into big smiles when we first bit into it.
One things I don't think we have mentioned yet. Yesterday, we gave Ricky some of he money you gave us to purchase blankets and saris for the Christians in Orissa. You may recall that Orissa is the state north of here where the Christians are suffering from the worst kinds of persecutions from the majority hindus and have been forced to flee their homes and live in the jungles. What a blessing for us (all) to be able to help these struggling brothers of ours! I wanted you to know. One of the Orissa preachers will be here Saturday and we will be able to present 200 or so blankets and saris to him to take back to Orissa (where Ricky's mother is from).
We THINK we will be able to post from the jungle on Ricky's laptop, but if you don't hear from us until Saturday, don't worry about us! Gotta run! Love you all!
have fun in the jungle! take your bug spray and watch out for snakes!
take some good pictures, too!
love you!!!
It's exciting to hear about the work that is happening there. Thanks for doing such a good job of keeping us posted. It's so awesome to see pictures of our brethren there!!!! (and of you guys working with them).
Steve, love you! Glad it's going well. Brenda
BTW - it looks like you're using crutches, Steve, but when you look really close you can tell it's microphones! You had me fooled for a minute there! :) Brenda
{giggle}! i thought he was on crutches too!
loving reading about all of your great experiences...and the pictures are so fun to be able to feel it all. so awesome and encouraging to see the work you are doing and the open hearts of the people there.
for me it brings to the surface many emotions and thoughts and feelings i felt when going through that same process of giving my life to Christ and accepting him as my Savior.
i am so much encouraged by the people there and their eagerness for this too. by watching other accept Christ as their Savior i get to think about/be reminded what the act of baptism is really all about and the vivid memory of the overwhelming emotions and feelings of God's love when I welcomed his son as my Savior. {that's a pretty awesome feeling i wish i somehow keep with me every moment of every day!}.
so thanks for sharing and letting us all be a part of this experience...
and Darryl: your boys are ROCK STARS! they came over to the Gorney house last night and played Rock Band with us. Who knew Colby could rock out on the microphone with no fear to the "Eye of the Tiger" and know pretty much every word! and Spencer was awesome at the guitar, drums AND vocals! it was really fun...
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