Today was a fun day. We went to the Children's Home and met 45 of the children that live there. They were outside waiting on us to load the bus when we arrived. Each one of them was very eager to introduce themselves to us and shake our hands. We then loaded up on a rented bus and headed to the beach. Kakinada sits on the east coast of India and has a long coastline. Apparently going to the beach is not high on the list of recreational activities as it was relatively empty.
The children sang songs most of the way there some in Telegu and some in English. Steve and I joined in on the ones we knew. The kids really were enthusiastic in their singing, especially the boy sitting right behind me. I still can't really hear out of my right ear!
Between the road and the beach there is a line of trees, some sort of pine, which provides great shade. We set up camp there and began handing out various toys. I really feel like the kids are loved and well cared for considering the limited resources and environment, but with so many of them they get very little one on one attention by adults. So Steve and I were the big attraction. We often were tossing rings and frisbees back and forth with 3 or 4 kids at a time. I felt like I was in a juggling act.
The kids are all very polite and well behaved. They waited for instructions before going anywhere. We didn't immediately go down to the water and they were fine with that. No one even went close until permission was given. They really are remarkable kids and so very sweet. I am so happy that thanks to the generosity of so many folks we are going to be able to help them with some desperately needed improvements to the home. When we get back we will share with everyone pictures and descriptions of exactly what the house is like that all of these kids share. The best word I can think of is primitive.
After we returned from the beach we quickly cleaned up and ate lunch. Then it was time to head off to another village (I can't remember the name). It took about an hour and a half to get there. The traveling is very stressful and exhausting. You just can't imagine the congestion and driving conditions. The food here has not bothered me at all, but I am having a little trouble with car sickness. So far no major problems but definitely some nausea.
Due to the heavy traffic and I think some mis-communication the folks had been waiting about an hour for us to arrive, so the local preacher had preached to them while they waited. Then they got to set through about an hour of my preaching (30 mins of me, 30 mins of translation). They were very attentive and seemed to appreciate the lesson. Seven women responded to the invitation to be baptized. We loaded 18 people in a small SUV which seats 7 and headed to the river. We were cozy to say the least. There were a few locals with their goats and water buffalos that watched as 7 new Christians were born. What a great evening! I haven't figured out how to do a slideshow on here yet, but here are a few pics from the day
1 comment:
i'm glad you and steve are having a good time, but i'm even more glad that god has already touched 7 (and i'm sure more) hearts since you've been there!
of course we miss you, but we're really doing okay.
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