Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Great Day - Daryl

Steve has already shared the "news" from today and it is great news! The down side was not having enough Bibles. People were so eager to get them and you could see the anticipation and excitement in their eyes as we made our way back through the crowd and then we stopped. The looks of disappointment were heartbreaking. My eyes began to water and I had to step away for a minute to keep from losing it. We had just finished preaching for over 2 hours about the truthfulness, beauty and power of God's Word and encouraging them to cling to it and love it. Sadly for many of them they will have to wait a little longer to make that a reality.

This part of the country is truly beautiful. As we were walking down the road to the stream for the baptisms, Steve said, "look around, we're really in India." It was one of those moments that just kind of hits you upside the head. The beautiful rice fields, palm and banana trees are set against a background of dark green mountains. It was nearly dark by the time we headed out of the village through the jungle to where the hotel is, so we didn't get to see very much of the deep jungle. Hopefully we will have more of an opportunity over the next few days. Still no monkey or tiger sightings but we did see a camel. I didn't know they had camels in India but there it was by the side of the road hump and all.

There were a couple of funny moments today, but I don't have the time to write about them. I will write them down so I can include them in future reports. Thanks again for all the comments, keep them coming! We are always eager to get online and see if anyone has left us any. It is somewhat of a moment of excitement for us. Can you tell we (at least me) are a little homesick?


Anonymous said...

Steve and Daryl,

I can't tell you how much it means to me to read your timely reports on your activities. Perhaps it will give you an idea when I tell you I really choked up when you spoke of "almost losing it" upon running out of bibles, Daryl.

I have never felt so close to a mission effort. Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

I agree with Bert. It's really cool to read about your experiences daily. It's the next best thing to being there, I guess.

I was also sad that you ran out of Bibles to hand out. It's very encouraging and humbling to know that they are so hungry and thirsty for God's word.

Steve, are you seeing places in your travels similar to the India movie you were able to watch? I'm sure the scenery is breathtaking. Can't wait to see all of your pictures and hear more of the details.


amy said...

i'm glad you are homesick! we miss you, too. going to eat in the fellowship hall now. it smells yummy!

TWHallman said...

Hey Brothers, Wow! Just got to catch up on the blog and it sounds like you guys have had an outstanding week so far. Loved the water buffalo pic, as a fellow VeggieTales fan all I have to say is "Zebu!" The banners at the village for you guys were awesome, when do we get to see the Tulsa2India groupie pics? ha! The Palace Hotel? we are going to need some pictures to confirm that you have really been in the jungle! Indian pizza sounds delicious, I am jealous. Daryl I have gotta say ditto for Bert's response to your "not enough Bible's" story. Thank you for sharing the situation and your feelings, powerful stuff brother. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless and Godspeed.

Tim Trish and Zac