Hello! It seems like a long time since I have posted. We have very little free time to begin with, and I need to spend most of it preparing lessons for the next day! But I know Daryl has provided updates for the last couple of days. It's about 11 pm now, and I still need to finish my sermon for tomorrow morning (the preachers workshop I have been nervous about since before we left)--and then figure out my afternoon lesson!
I want to echo what Daryl said about going to the beach with the children. It was an amazing and humbling experience! The children were so cute, so polite and so well-behaved. Every other second one of them was shouting "Sihr!" at us, trying to vie for our attention. Most of them (even the older ones) wanted to hold our hands. It was really touching. They had a ball and so did we. I didn't even mind the hour long, very hot and humid (no a/c) van ride with 30 kid singing at the top of their lungs! Daryl mentioned that we gave Ricky's father the money to build two bathrooms for them and for a ceiling fan for the boys room. What a blessing that will be for them! Daryl didn't mention that these 45 kids sleep in TWO rooms--boys and girls. I paced off one of the rooms and it was about 21 x 15 feet. About 20 boys sleep in their every night on some straw mats. Even more girls sleep in the next room of a similar size. And they are quite happy and content. Makes me feel so ungrateful for griping about my lumpy king-size mattress at home!
I don't have a lot to add to Daryl's post from today. Church was wonderful and we had a relatively quiet afternoon. Tonight we went back to the children's home, gave them the stuffed animals Emily and Anna Kay collected for them (they LOVED them--they were so excited!) and the bouncy balls that Daryl brought. I also handed out some candy. Ricky has bought a bunch of fireworks that they enjoyed shooting off. Imagine almost 50 mostly unsupervised kids between 6-17 shooting off fireworks that would be illegal in the US in a backyard about the size of Room 9 at our church building (not that big). It was quite an evening. Daryl and I thought our ears were bleeding at one point from the concussion!
Gotta run for now! We love and miss you all. Thanks for keeping up with us and for your prayers. They are working! No signs of Dehli Belly yet! Bye!
Hi guys!
I am really enjoying your blog. I appreciate your taking the time to report like this.
I pray for you constantly.
I love you!
Bert Morphis
Steve and Daryl, I'm so thankful that we can receive your thoughts and impressions on this great trip. Thank you for your faith and love for the people there in India. We thank you for sharing your faith over and over and all the preparation you have put in. God will be praised from your work! With joy, Shirley O
It's so good to be able to keep up with your work there this way. Thanks for making the effort to keep us all posted. We're praying for your safety up here in Minnesota and for your work to be fruitful! Love, Brenda
Hey Guys, Great job keeping us informed. Love the hat Daryl, can't wait to see it on a Sunday morning! The pictures and descriptions are vivid, I do not envy the car rides, but hey Steve can you pack a lunch for me? Would love some of that authentic cuisine! God bless you brothers in all that you are doing. God bless and Godspeed. Tim
I love the pictures! I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!
Anna kay
Hey! I've been keeping up with your trip via the blog and have loved to be able to do so. We continue to pray for your safety and success and know you are having an amazing experience! Love you!
So great to travel along with you through this blog. Thanks for taking the time and effort to keep us informed. I know you are being so blessed by this experience and those to whom you are reaching out are equally so. May God energize you and keep you well...and keep the cards and letters coming! Aunt Bett
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