Sorry it has been a while since I posted. We have been busy since we arrived!We arrived safely and on time last night, local time. After our 36 hour plane ride, we had a 4-hour car ride from Vishakapatnam to Kakinada. We ate dinner with the Gootams (the food here is AWESOME!) and went to bed.
Today, after breakfast, we visited the Gootams' offices and the children's home (most of the kids were at school, though). Than after some rest this afternoon, we drove to the village of Taranada (after a stop at Ricky's in-laws' house on the way). It was about a 4-hour trip each way.
I preached. The little concrete church building was packed with about 150 people (wall to wall, standing room only). We started about an hour and a half late. The singing was amazing and, afterwards, we were crowded with people asking us to pray for them. They presented us with flower garlands and fresh (I mean really fresh) coconut milk (in the husk).
Tomorrow, we are taking the children from the children's home to the local beach. Then we are heading to another village where Daryl will preach.
I've got a lot more to say, but it's past 1:00 am here and we are leaving at 8:30 in the morning, so we are going to turn in. My blackberry is not working here yet, so I have not had access to e-mail. Vandanamelu! (Bye)
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