Wednesday, November 5, 2008

London, baby!

It's Amy again.

The boys made it to London today and had several hours to do some sight-seeing.  Steve found a noodle restaurant he had heard about, and they got to eat lunch there.  Right now they are in the air on the way to Dehli, India.  Then it's another 2-hour drive to Ricky's house.  Hopefully they slept some on the planes, but I'm sure they are still going to be tired when they arrive.

Both families survived our first nights without dads!  Samantha even helped make the meal tonight at church!  What a woman!  It was yummy!

Thanks to everyone who's asked about them and who are continuing to pray for them.

{I probably shouldn't have, but I took a picture of them Sunday when Ken Yates was praying for them!}


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