Thursday, October 30, 2008

Time Difference--Steve

India apparently has some unusual time zones, because it appears that the time difference between Tulsa and the State of Andhra Predesh--where we are going--is 11 and a half hours (India is ahead/later). Not sure where the half comes from, but oh well.

By the way, the time difference is only 10 1/2 hours now, but it will be 11 1/2 hours after we go off daylight savings time here this weekend.

So if you want to know time it is in India (after this weekend), it's easy: change Tulsa time from AM to PM (or vice versa) and subtract a half hour. If you are in the EST, do the same thing but add a half hour. Piece of cake!

I'm trying to post a link to a personal time clock that shows both times. Let's see if this works.

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

tick, tick, tick! I can't believe the trip is already her. Almost! I hope you both enjoy yourselves. I will be praying for success, and for your safe return! God bless you both!